Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Child directs planes in JFK air traffic tower: transcript

A supervisory program and an air travel traffic comptroller at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport are on administrative lead later same apparently took his young child to work and the fry communicated with skims on an transmit traffic control relative frequency, the Federal Airmanship Organization same Wednesday.

The 2 tower employees were posted connected pass on unended the event of an FAA investigation into live month's parenthetical that already is below way, the FAA read in a spelt statement.

"This lapse in judgement not unique spoiled FAA's make insurances, but low smell criteria for professed conduct. These varieties of distractions are completely unacceptable," FAA Decision Maker Randy Babbitt identical in the financial statement.

"We have an incredible team of professional people who safely check our nation's tosses every single twenty-four hours. This kind of demeanour plays not muse the true caliber of our workforce."

The authority said in an earlier program line, "This demeanour is not acceptable and serves not demonstrate the kind of professionalism required from all FAA employees."

Nonetheless, Dave Pascoe, proprietor of, the Network internet site where the recording of the broadcast traffic communications is posted, told CNN he believes the attention the omissible has drawn is "ridiculous" and it has been "blown out of proportion."

In the recording a youngster can be heard saying "Jet Blue 171, cleared for takeoff."

A man is then heard telling the plane, "Here's what you get, guys, when the kids are out of school."

The pilot chuckles and says, "Wish I could bring my kid to exercise." The same pilot later tells the child, "Awesome job."

During the entering, which is dated February 17, the fry also speaks to an apparent broadcast Mexico flight.

A source familiar with the investigating same a second accountant who was supposed to be in charge at the time "should be making sure that things like this don't happen."

The find who got the minor to function later reported that he had done so, the source said.

But Pascoe read most people "in the Airmanship community felt like this was anything more than a noble thing, that a father would take his kid to exercise.

"And when you listen to any of the recordings, the place in the tower is very controlled. There is no hint ... that anyone was too busy or anyone was interrupting the sheets. The kid cleared 2 airplanes. It was very controlled and I don't think safety was compromised, nor should anyone be disciplined for this," very Pascoe, who is also a pilot.

The showing was from a network of receivers, he identical, but couldn't reveal the source. The website, he said, exists for pilot education and sometimes other curious parties listen in. There was "absolutely no security threat" posed by the parenthetical, he read.

"I experience every belief that they'd make sure there were additional eyes there," Pascoe identical. "only the best of the best work at JFK tower, and they are the best at what they do."

"It was great parenthetical where a kid was up in the learn tower," he very. "If you know anything about Air Travel, you know that the air traffic check towers are highly supervised. JFK is highly supervised. It's not just great learn controlling the runway. Supervisors are there and multiple people are there making sure by looking through binoculars and at radar ... a father was taking a youngster to work and let the kid clear sheets for takeoff and now the world thinks it's an unsafe place."

The FAA same all unofficial visits to line traffic control operational areas, such as towers and radar rooms, will be suspended during its investigation into the omissible. Babbitt has directed a team up to review air traffic check insurances and procedures related to facility visitors.

The National air Traffic Controllers Association, the union representing controllers, told in a affirmation, "We do not condone this type of doings in any way.

"It is not indicative of the highest professional person monetary standards that controllers set for themselves and exceed each and every day in the advancement of Airmanship safety," association spokesman Doug Church same in the program line.

But "this is a ridiculous story," Pascoe same. "... it was blown out of proportion. Considering how skittish the public is, maybe it shouldn't be done, but I think there should be a procedure to allow visitors in the hold tower."

By visitors, he same he meant pilots and other professionals on supervised visits.

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